Saturday, February 25, 2012

I hate my mom. What do I do?

Let me give you some background info: I am 26. My mother is 56. I have a tendency to get angry quickly. My mother is ridiculously passive-aggressive. My mother asked me and my boyfriend of 4 years to move in with her about 8 months ago. She needed help with the bills and I was about to have my son and only child. I made her agree to some things (as she did with me) before I gave up my apartment (cheapest in the area). She was not allowed to drink more than two glasses of wine a night (she'll finish off a whole bottle nightly); she will respect my and my boyfriend's time, space and money; she will control her need to start fights because she is bored; and she was to not expect my boyfriend to "fix everything" because he has a penis. I already halfway hated her at that time. I once spent 2 days in a holding cell because she told the police I hit her. The charges were dropped when there was no evidence of any kind of assault. 3 years ago my boyfriend and I got into a fist fight (it's the only fight i've ever been in so not exactly my style, but we were drunk and stupid. plus I'm not exactly what you'd call a "small" girl...) so she tells the cops he held me down and beat me. He now is a violent offender with family violence on his record. I was charged with NOTHING even though I KICKED HIM IN THE HEAD. He slapped me. I had no bruises or injuries. It didn't matter what I said to the court, it was for "my protection." BELIEVE me, if that had been what happened, he'd be DEAD. I don't play that ****. Every time I have a lover's quarrel or something like that, she's always quick to say, "don't worry. It'll be you and me and we'll do fun girl stuff!" I don't WANT to do ANYTHING WITH YOU YOU CRAZY *****.

So back to the present, my son is 7 months old and she (of course) has not kept with any of her promises. She is plastered every night where she eats OUR food in the fridge. We pay half of her bills, plus we completely cover every expense for our son. We pay for the internet, Netflix, we bought her a Wii so she could watch Netflix... We pay for quite a bit. She has slowly stopped cleaning up after herself, gained like 30lbs and has high blood pressure. I begged her to stop eating so much so she won't die but she doesn't care at all. She will wake up my son so she can hold him. She does this when I turn my back because I have told her to ask to enter the room we pay for (I mean come on, there is a grown man in here and he's not for her) AND I told her to ask before disturbing my son in case he is supposed to be sleeping. She doesn't feel that's necessary so she just does it anyway. I can't take it anymore but now, thanks to her, we can not afford to move out and I can't bring myself to leave her when she will lose her house. She's done this on purpose and I hate myself for giving in and having a heart. I have kept up with everything I promised including helping with the yard, doing some repairs and helping her organize her atrocious garage.

I'm pretty sure that the stress from all of this is the reason my boyfriend and I are having issues. I don't want to have sex anymore and my poor boyfriend, who works his *** off, is usually too exhausted for it anyway. The only thing that seems to put a smile on our faces is our son.

WTF do I do?I hate my mom. What do I do?
You take you kid out of this situation and find you own place. That's what you do.

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